EHV Power Cables Division

Excalon is highly experienced in the design, installation and jointing of power cables.

Excalon provides a comprehensive power cables service which is undertaken by a dedicated EHV Power Cables Division comprising designers, SAPs, cable installers and jointers all with appropriate accreditations and qualifications.

High Voltage Workmen

Support Services
We provide specialist technical engineering and support services for the power cable distribution industry.

We have emergency support response teams which are available 24/7 for emergency works to electricity substations and underground cables.

System Design
Our in-house design team has the capabilities to provide a one –stop solution tailored to meet the specific requirements of the client.

We can provide full turnkey cable system designs and technical assessments which include:

  • Cable ratings and cable system options
  • Cable system potential mechanical forces calculations
  • Oil filled hydraulic designs
  • Cable pulling tension and side wall pressure calculations
  • Temporary works
  • Safe working practice technical assessments to NSI5 or equivalent
  • Steel support structures and special constructions

Project Management
Our project managers are all highly experienced in EHV cable installation, jointing and terminations and for the planning, procurement, supervising and delivery of projects on time and with a responsibility for ensuring safety, high quality and value for money.

Cable Installation
Our cable installation teams are all highly experienced and specifically trained in appropriate construction methodology and pulling techniques.

Cable Jointing (and Accessories)
Our cable jointers are all qualified, experienced and specifically trained for undertaking appropriate cable jointing procedures.

Our jointing service includes:

  • XLPe cable systems
  • Self-contained oil filled cable systems
  • MIND cable systems
  • Cable fault locations
  • Leak detection oil filled cables

Cable Testing
We provide specialist cable technicians and engineers to undertake cable testing in accordance with appropriate recommended procedures.

Our cable testing includes:

  • After-laying testing and diagnosis of transmission power cables using damped AC (DAC) voltages, serving tests, cross bonding, earth continuity and ductor testing.
  • Testing and diagnosis of power cables, on-site testing with standard AC voltages, standardised PD measurements and dissipation factor (tan) estimation.
  • Cable maintenance (oil filled cable) – serving tests, oil leak detection, particle count, dissolved gas analysis.
  • Cable maintenance (XLPe, MIND) systems potential discharge monitoring SVL tests.

Procurement and Logistics
Our procurement service includes:

  • Supply of Cable
  • Supply of cable joints and accessories
  • Supply of specialist cable installation equipment
  • Supply of test equipment
  • Transport and storage

We have specialist cable handing equipment for use at our storage depot and for transporting cable drums to and from site.

We have invested over £4m in a new environmentally friendly and efficient commercial vehicle fleet and other plant and equipment.

We have a dedicated cable joints/accessories store and training facility located at our Head Office in Salford.

We have dedicated secure facilities for the safe storage of cables and drums at our operational depot in Salford.

Our EHV Power Cables Division undertakes:

  • Feasibility studies

  • System design

  • Project management and supervision

  • Procurement and logistics

  • Route identification and proving

  • Excavation, duct laying, pre-cast troughing, backfilling and reinstating

  • Directional drilling operations

  • EHV cable installations, including fully ducted, open cut and troughed solutions

  • Jointing and terminating up to and including 400kV

  • Cable extraction by non-intrusive technique

  • Cable faults and repairs

  • Integrated IT Solutions

  • SHEQ (auditing, reporting and training)

  • Pre-commission testing

  • ‘As-Built’ Drawings/CAD facility

Extra High Voltage Cabling Extra High Voltage Cabling
Extra High Voltage Power Cabling